If you’ve ever struggled with how to spend your marketing dollars, you’ve likely considered partnering with a professional advertising agency. But what the heck is that anyway? And why would you need one? In this article, we will discuss what you should expect from a professional advertising partner and how to select the ad agency that is right for you.
Gone are the “Mad Men” days where ad agencies are simply creative consultants coming up with catchy campaigns. A modern-day advertising agency should not only help you establish the most effective campaign messaging for your target market but will also help you decide where to invest your advertising dollars to generate a return on your investment (ROI). From online to traditional mediums, your marketing partner is responsible for ensuring that every dollar you invest goes to the right place. Before you spend a penny, make sure you’ve found the agency that’s right for you.

Here are five things to look for in a quality advertising agency:
1. The Team
Is this a one-man-band or are you working with a TEAM of experts, all well-versed in their unique capabilities? When you hire an ad agency, you should expect to have professionals available that you can consult on a wide variety of topics such as creative development, video production, social media management, paid social media, website design, digital marketing, traditional advertising, and public relations (to name a few). If your ad agency specializes in filming killer video but can’t tell you where to place that video to generate revenue, then you’ve not found an ad agency, you’ve found a videographer under guise. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and make sure that your potential marketing partner has the capabilities that you need.
2. Communication
Business is fluid and your marketing strategy should be as well. In order to maintain relevance and stay trending (particularly in a world of social media) you have to be ready to pivot when an opportunity presents itself. It’s important to have regular communication with your advertising agency so you are best prepared to do so. Are they providing regular reports and analytics that hold themselves accountable? Do you know what your marketing strategy is for the fast-approaching new year? Are they talking to you weekly about what’s being accomplished?? If your agency has taken the approach of “set it and forget it,” you’ve already sold yourself short in this relationship. In a world of overwhelming amounts of information, overcommunication is key.
3. Digital Expertise
On any given day, there are 8.5 billion searches on Google, 500 million users on Instagram, and 5 billion videos watched on YouTube. And did you know that consumers are 70% more likely to make a purchase after consuming content about the product on YouTube? Digital or online marketing has really evolved to the point where you can track every engagement and how they responded to your message, allowing you in real time to adjust or change it at a minimal cost. If your advertising agency isn’t fluent in all things digital, your business is already behind the 8 ball. When vetting an advertising agency, you should feel comfortable in their ability to increase your organic presence on search engines while also effectively reaching your potential customers through targeted digital campaigns across a variety of platforms. A good digital marketing expert should be knowledgeable on search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click ads (PPC), paid social media, Google Analytics, and email marketing. But the best digital marketing experts are always learning, keeping their arsenal equipped with the latest trends and algorithm updates.
4. Traditional Media
Just as every business is different, every market is different and it’s important for your advertising agency to understand when and how to implement more traditional mediums like TV, radio, newspaper, magazines, etc. If your agency has a bunch of 20-somethings that don’t know how to co-blend traditional and digital, that’s a solid sign to question if they are the right partner for you. While digital allows you to put your message in front of specific users based on targeting parameters, traditional media allows you to reach a much broader audience. In fact, research continues to show that traditional advertising is one of the most effective methods for generating awareness and ROI because of its massive reach. This is particularly true when we look at the older demographics such as Gen Xers and Boomers who regularly turn to more traditional mediums. So, when you hear your ad agency say things like “TV is dead” or “no one watches television anymore” you can take that for the red flag that it is and run!
5. Connection
Advertising agencies aren’t in the advertising business serving people, they’re in the people business serving ads. The professionals that you trust with your precious ad dollars should not only be experts in their respective fields, but also good human beings that care about you and your business. If they’re not passionate about your product or service, how can they be passionate about getting exposure to it? The right ad agency should feel like an extension of your business and a part of your internal team, sharing in your vision and values. They should be available every step of the way, holding themselves accountable, and showing genuine interest in your success. If it doesn’t feel like family, don’t be afraid to keep looking.
We know you’ve worked hard to build your business and you deserve to work with an agency that cares about it as much as you do.
If you’ve yet to find the advertising agency that’s right for you, and are looking for an organization with the qualities above, schedule your consultation with Frank Williams Design today!